
4 unusual facts about Klintholm Havn

Klintholm Havn

Klinholm Havn can be reached by bus from Stege, 16 km away, which in turn has bus services to Vordingborg where there is a railway station.


Niels Rosenkranz was also a key member of the group who organised the rescue of 351 ex-inmates of the Stutthof concentration camp who arrived in a river barge at nearby Klintholm Havn on 5 May 1945, the day Denmark was liberated from the Germans.

Møns Klint

Møns Klint can be reached by road either directly from Stege or from Klintholm Havn.

Rescue of Stutthof victims in Denmark

The rescue of Stutthof victims in Denmark took place on 5 May 1945 at Klintholm Havn, a small fishing village on the south coast of the island of Møn, when a barge full of famished Nazi concentration camp prisoners was towed into harbour.


Klintholm Havn |

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