
unusual facts about Knowledge management


Comintelli is a supplier of Information Access Software, providing solutions for Knowledge Management (KM) and Competitive Intelligence (CI).

Intelligent Web Business Laboratory

Members of IWB have contributed and interested on different aspects and are doing researchs in various fields of e-Commerce, e-business, u-Business, BPM, Business Intelligences, Knowledge management, Information Retrieval, Planning and Scheduling and Decision Support System.

see also

Alex Zhavoronkov

Zhavoronkov is the founder of the International Aging Research Portfolio, a knowledge management system for aging research.

Cognos Reportnet

Cognos ReportNet was awarded the Software and Information Industry Association (SIIA) 2005 Codie Awards for the "Best Business Intelligence or Knowledge Management Solution" category.

Corporate amnesia

The phenomenon of corporate amnesia was first identified by the British knowledge management specialist Arnold Kransdorff in his 1998 book of the same name.


By leveraging technology development for planetary science at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the EDRN has been able to develop and deploy an infrastructure to support data sharing, knowledge management and collaborate research.

Integration Objects

They develop OPC software products and knowledge management platforms for manufacturers primarily in the oil and gas, refining and petrochemicals, chemical, food and beverage, steel and pharmaceutical industries.

Saffron Technology

James Fleming, Chief Software Engineer, former software developer at IBM Knowledge Management and Intelligent Agent Center, Raleigh, NC.

Sebastian Schaffert

Tassilo Pellegrini, Sören Auer, Klaus Tochtermann and Sebastian Schaffert: Networked Knowledge – Networked Media: Integrating Knowledge Management, New Media Technologies and Semantic Systems.

The Scripter's Scrapbook

1984 The notion of a content-oriented information repository was conceived using BBCB that led to a generic knowledge-management system called HyperManuscript.

Vincent Barabba

2002 (With Pourdehnad J. and Ackoff, R.) “Above and Beyond Knowledge Management” in Chun, W. C. and Bontis, N. (eds) The Strategic Management of Intellectual Capital and Organization Knowledge, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp.