
unusual facts about Kohn–Sham equations

Balázs Győrffy

He was one of the pioneers of the application of the Korringa–Kohn–Rostoker coherent potential approximation (KKR-CPA) for first-principle calculations of the electronic structure of alloys.

Daoist meditation

The 8th century was a "heyday" of Daoist meditation (Kohn 2008a:119); recorded in works such as Sun Simiao's Cunshen lianqi ming 存神煉氣銘 "Inscription on Visualization of Spirit and Refinement of Energy", Sima Chengzhen 司馬承禎's Zuowanglun "Essay on Sitting in Forgetfulness", and Wu Yun 吳筠's Shenxian kexue lun 神仙可學論 "Essay on How One May Become a Divine Immortal through Training".

Franz Reizenstein

Through his mother's Kohn family, Reizenstein was related to the writer Catherine Yronwode.

Karl Kohn

Kohn's own works have been performed by the Los Angeles Philharmonic and Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestras, the Oakland Symphony, the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra, on the San Francisco Symphony's Musica Viva series, at the Monday Evening Concerts in Los Angeles (Kohn served for two decades on the board of directors of the Monday Evening Concerts), and in concerts and broadcasts throughout the United States and abroad.

Louis Svećenski

His surname Kohn is variation of surname Kohen which means priest in Hebrew, while Svećenski is derived from Croatian word svećenik which also means priest.

Marek Kohn

Following the publication of his name in a list of persons invited to participate in Steve Sailer's Human Biodiversity Group discussion pages, Kohn wrote to Lynn Conway to dissociate himself from many of the participants' scientific and political views.

Murphy v. IRS

Murphy's attorneys, led by David K. Colapinto of Kohn, Kohn & Colapinto, requested a rehearing of the July 2007 decision by the full Court of Appeals (en banc) for the District of Columbia Circuit, which was denied on September 14, 2007.

Marrita Murphy was represented by David K. Colapinto of the law firm Kohn, Kohn & Colapinto, who also handled her appeal before the D.C. Circuit.

Olly Kohn

In January 2013 Kohn announced that he was eligible to play for Wales as his grandfather was from the Rhymney Valley.

Participants in the Madoff investment scandal

On December 10, 2010, Irving Picard sued Sonja Kohn and her bank, Bank Medici, for $58.8 billion, accusing Kohn of being a "criminal soul mate" of Madoff.

Robert D. Kohn

Of the four sculpted figures in the uppermost floors, two are by Kohn's wife, and the other two are by Gutzon Borglum.

Stephen M. Kohn

Kohn personally has represented whistleblowers in the O. J. Simpson murder case, the World Trade Center bombing cases, the Oklahoma City bombing case, the Linda Tripp-Privacy Act case, and the Bradley Birkenfeld-UBS AG tax evasion case.

Systems Biology Graphical Notation

Work on defining a set of symbols to describe interactions and relationships of molecules was pioneered by Kurt Kohn at the National Cancer Institute with his Molecular Interaction Maps (MIM).

Walter Kohn

Hohenberg-Kohn theorem was further developed, in collaboration with Lu Jeu Sham, to produce the Kohn-Sham equations.


The Cunshen lianqiming 存神鍊氣銘 "Inscription on Visualizing Spirit and Refining Qi" (DZ 834, tr. Kohn 2010:174-178) is attributed to the Daoist physician and alchemist Sun Simiao (d. 682).

see also