The tomb of Ishmael ben Elisha ha-Kohen is located in the Druze village of Sajur in the Upper Galilee.
Joseph ha-Kohen finished the first version of this work in 1558, at Voltaggio.
One of his chief concerns was also the release of the many Jewish captives taken by the vessels of the Italian republics and by the Corsairs; as in 1532, when Andrea Doria captured many Jews on taking Coron, Patras, and Zante; in 1535, when the emperor Charles V took Tunis; in 1542, when the galleys of Cegala Visconti had imprisoned a number of Jews.
Joseph then settled at Voltaggio, at the request of the citizens of that small town, practicing there until 1567.
His surname Kohn is variation of surname Kohen which means priest in Hebrew, while Svećenski is derived from Croatian word svećenik which also means priest.
He explains how the falsification of the Torah could have taken place while there existed only one copy of the Torah kept by the Aaronic priesthood of the Temple in Jerusalem.
Kohen |
Keter Malkut ("Crown of Royalty") — prayers for Yom Kippur, first published with the above-mentioned Ohr Kadmon, reprinted in the Shevet Musar of Elijah ben Abraham Solomon ha-Kohen of Smyrna, and finally inserted by Heidenheim in the ritual for the eve of Yom Kippur.
A compendium by Jacob Marcaria was published under the title Kitzur Mizrachi (Trento, 1561), and later, one by Isaac ha-Kohen of Ostroh, entitled Mattenat 'Ani (Prague, 1604-9).
The Prisha (Commentarian to Tur Shulchan Aruch) argues that partnering with a non-Jew with the intent to excuse the obligation of giving the gifts is "ערמה" ("trickery") which causes the Kohen to lose out on his rightful due.
Rabbi Rabinowitz is of the Rappaport family, and possesses rare documentation attesting to his status as a Kohen.
The graves of the Cohens are located separately from the main group of graves on the north-eastern corner of the cemetery and it includes the grave of Eliaho Hayeem Victor Cohen, a Lieutenant with the 9th Jat Regiment of the British Indian Army killed in an accident on 10 October 1941.
Rabbi Jonathan ben David ha-Kohen of Lunel (c. 1135–after 1210) was a leading French tosafist.
Judas Maccabeus, a Kohen (Jewish priest) who led a revolt against the Seleucid Empire
Italian kabbalists, among them Behr Perlhefter, the first Maggid in the study hall of Abraham Rovigo, and Benjamin ben Eliezer ha-Kohen, rabbi of Reggio, called him to Italy about 1678, where he was very popular for a time.
A man recognized as a "literal descendent of Aaron" (or Kohanim) can, under the direction of the First Presidency, hold the office of Presiding Bishop alone, without counselors.
Isaac ben Sheshet continued and negated amplifying the penalty since the embarrassed Kohen was not a learned Talmid Chacham Kohen, but an unschooled am ha-aretz Kohen.