
3 unusual facts about Kojiki

Asama shrine

Konohanasakuya-hime appears in both the Kojiki and Nihonshoki and appears to have originally associated with protection against fire, per the stories which appear in both chronicles.

Osmanthus heterophyllus

It is mentioned twice in the Kojiki, the oldest surviving historical record of Japan.

Roy Starrs

He has also published essays on Japan-related topics such as the Kojiki, Lafcadio Hearn and Japanese calligraphy.


Kojiki |

Hieda no Are

Later, Empress Gemmei ordered Ō no Yasumaro to compile the Kojiki based on what Are had memorized.

Ō no Yasumaro

He is most famous for compiling and editing, with the assistance of Hieda no Are, the Kojiki, the oldest extant Japanese history.

Seeds in the Heart: Japanese Literature from Earliest Times to the Late Sixteenth Century

It covers classical Japanese literature from the Kojiki through the Tale of Genji and major waka poets like Fujiwara no Teika or Ki no Tsurayuki, through the Kamakura period and up to the beginnings of No plays and renga, in 1175 pages of text and endnotes (excluding the bibliography, index, and glossary).


He then had Hieda no Are memorize the contents of the Teiki and Kyūji, both of which were later used as historical sources for composing the Kojiki.

see also