
unusual facts about Kolozs


Antal Nagy

Antal Nagy de Buda, petty nobleman from Kolozs county, Kingdom of Hungary

Szolnok-Doboka County

Szolnok-Doboka county shared borders with the Hungarian counties Szilágy, Szatmár, Máramaros, Beszterce-Naszód and Kolozs.

Torda-Aranyos County

Torda-Aranyos county shared borders with the Hungarian counties Arad, Bihar, Kolozs, Maros-Torda, Kis-Küküllő, Alsó-Fehér and Hunyad.

Wass de Czege

Being their familiares, the Wass came into offices as castellan at Höltövény, Csicsó (Ciceu), Küküllővár (Cetatea de Baltă), Kőhalom (Rupea), Cserög (Čerević) castles, comes (Doboka, Kolozs) or vicecomes (Ugocsa).

see also