In 2002, Eka Budianta's work Pohon dan Istrinya (The Tree and its Wife) was recognized along with works by 12 other authors by the Indonesian daily newspaper Kompas, and included in an annual publication featuring a selection of short stories.
With 400,000 copies sold, Jawa Pos is one of Indonesia's leading daily newspaper, but second only to Kompas in terms of circulation.
Frans Sartono, writing for Kompas after Chrisye's death in 2007, found the album to "cleverly" (cerdik) include white reggae influences from The Police.
Kompas |
In August 2011 Kompas reported that Mira Lesmana and Riri Riza have spent two years producing a documentary about the band, to be titled Rockumentary.
Since he was a student, Satrio had already worked as a freelance writer (1981–1986), journalist for the daily Harian Pelita (1986–1988), the daily Kompas (1988–1995), the magazine D&R (1997–2000).