
4 unusual facts about Konstantin Wecker

2010 Dresden anti-fascist blockade

Supporters of Dresden Without Nazis include local and regional anti-fascist groups, the nationwide anti-fascist associations "No pasarán!" and "VVN-BdA", artists such as Konstantin Wecker and Die Toten Hosen, politicians from the Left Party, the Green Party and the Social Democratic Party and leading members of trade unions.

Konstantin Wecker

Unterm Dirndl wird gejodelt, BR Deutschland 1973, Sexfilm (Florian)

Kir Royal, BR Deutschland 1986, TV-Serie (Studiomusiker, 6.Folge)

Schwabinger 7

The organization led to a motto of "Save Münchner Freiheit - on behalf of a cultural Schwabing" and garnered attention of a number of artists including Hannes Ringelstetter, Georg Eggers, Willy Michl, Michael Sailer, Moses Wolff, Sven Kemmler, Frank-Markus Barwasser alias Pelzig, Andreas Rebers and Konstantin Wecker.

see also