Michelle Saram | Koryo-mar | Air Koryo |
A State of Mind - UK produced documentary (VeryMuchSo productions and Koryo Tours) about child gymnasts in training for the Mass Games
In August 1992, Daewoo set up UzDaewooAuto, a joint venture in Asaka, Uzbekistan, leveraging the presence of a large local ethnic Korean minority.
A small percentage of the population are also Koreans, who are the descendants of the Koreans deported in 1937 from the Soviet Far East to Central Asia.
Performed with Salvatore Accardo, Bruno Battisti D’Amario, Julius Berger, Bruno Canino, Roberto CorlianĂ², Roberto Fabbriciani, Rocco Filippini, Severino Gazzelloni, Stefano Giavazzi, Bruno Giuranna, Johannes Goritzki, Jacques Klein, Alain Meunier, Bruno Mezzena, Andrea Noferini, Antony Pay, Franco Petracchi, Ruggiero Ricci, Massimo Scattolin, Hariolf Schlichtig, Rohan de Saram and Romeo Tudorache.
Koryo-mar, the dialect of Korean spoken by ethnic Koreans in the former USSR
For a time after 1946 the leader of North Korea's Democratic Party Cho Man-sik was kept under house arrest in the older Koryo Hotel.
The 2004 documentary film by VeryMuchSo Productions and Koryo Tours A State of Mind details the training of two young girls from Pyongyang who perform in the mass games.