Later in mid-19th century large families from Kotel, Elena and Yambol regions follow the 'emigration flow' from inner Bulgaria to Dobrudja and settled in the village.
Daniela graduates the musical school in Kotel in 1990, and is accepted after a test exam at the Filip Kutev Ensemble, where she becomes a soloist.
Ludmila Radkova graduated the musical school in Kotel, Bulgaria, in 1987, and after exams is accepted to sing at the Filip Kutev Ensemble.
Rabbi Morris also called on the incoming Chief Rabbi to demonstrate his commitment to repairing divisions between different Jewish traditions by publicly criticising the detention of Emily Wolfson for wearing a Tallit at the Kotel.
In 2005 the Council led the protest campaign against the disengagement plan with peaceful mass protests: the human chain of 130,000, the Kfar Maimon march of 50,000, the Kotel rally of 70,000, and the Tel Aviv rally of 200,000.
Kotel |
The Kosel (also pronounced Kotel), short for Ha-Kotel Ha-Ma'aravi, Hebrew for "the Western Wall" in Jerusalem