Among the manga artists who moved to Mag Garden were Kozue Amano, Rin Asano, Mayumi Azuma, Nanae Chrono, Moyamu Fujino, Maki Hakoda, Sakura Kinoshita, Satomi Kubo, Hiro Matsuba, Minene Sakurano, Kazusa Saitou, Kaili Sorano, Seiuchirou Todono, Sirou Tunasima, and Natsuki Yoshimura.
Before her career as a manga artist took off, she started out working as an assistant to Kozue Amano, creator of Aria.
Notable manga artists who use mono no aware–style storytelling include Hitoshi Ashinano, Kozue Amano, and Kaoru Mori.
In the manga and anime series Aria by Kozue Amano, set on a terraformed Mars, the calendar year is also divided into twenty-four months.
Yoshitaka Amano | Kozue Amano | Shiro Amano | Carlos Amano | Amano-Iwato | Akira Amano |