
unusual facts about Kraków Ghetto

Józef Adamowicz

Following the German invasion of Poland, Aleksandrowicz fought in the Polish Army's 72nd Infantry Regiment and subsequently was imprisoned by the Nazis in the Kraków Ghetto.

Aharon Rokeach

They spirited Rebbe Aharon — who insisted on being accompanied by his half-brother, Rabbi Mordechai — out of Belz into Wiśnicz, then into the Bochnia Ghetto, then into the Kraków Ghetto, and then back into the Bochnia Ghetto, narrowly avoiding Gestapo roundups and deportations.

Kraków-Podgórze Detention Centre

The prison was initially incorporated within the borders of the Kraków Ghetto when that district was created by the Nazis in March 1941; however, in the redistricting of June 1942 (following mass deportations of Ghetto population) the whole street was placed outside the confines of the Ghetto.

Mordechai Rokeach

Together with two Hasidim, they were spirited into Wiśnicz, then the Bochnia Ghetto, then the Kraków Ghetto, and then back into Bochnia, narrowly avoiding Gestapo roundups and deportations.

see also