
4 unusual facts about Kronosaurus


It was among the largest pliosaurs, and is named after the leader of the Greek Titans, Cronus.

Richmond, Queensland

Richmond has a public library, golf course, bowling club, swimming facilities, race course, caravan park, tourist information centre and a fossil museum named Kronosaurus Korner.

The Trench

Once in the Trench, they find a prehistoric monster called Kronosaurus that has evolved to hunt in packs and has evolved gills.

Yakuza Girl – Blade Shikake no Hanayome

Tsuji - One of the bodyguards of Itagaki, she is presented as exceptionally strong, to the point of mauling an enormous Kronosaurus with just one hand (and posing for victory soon after, as a demonstration of her clan's power).


Kronosaurus |


The large pliosaurs, like the Jurassic Rhomaleosaurus, Liopleurodon and Pliosaurus, and the Cretaceous Kronosaurus and Brachauchenius, were the superpredators of the Mesozoic seas, around 7 to 12 meters in length, and filled a similar ecological role to that of killer whales today.

see also