
3 unusual facts about Kubera

Cash and Curry

At an Indian restaurant which Rham claims to be one of his eighteen owned restaurants, Rham explains to Del and Rodney (who comes looking for Del) that he and Malik are from rival families, each of whom makes claim to an ancient statue, of the Hindu God of Wealth Kubera (who Del originally believed to be "one of India's premier wicketkeepers"), of great sentimental and financial value.


Kubera is worshipped with Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth during Diwali, which is primarily dedicated to her – usually on the Dhanteras day.

Hopkins interprets naras as being water-spirits, although Mani translates nara as men.


Kubera |

History of Odisha

Samudragupta is presumed to have conquered the region, as in his Allahabad inscription, it has been mentioned that, he had conquered Mahêndra of Kôsala, Vyâghraraja of Mahâkantâra, Mantarâja of Kêrala, Mahêndra of Pishtapura, Svâmidatta of Kottûra on the hill, Damana of Êrandapalla, Vishnugôpa of Kâñchi, Nîlarâija of Avamukta, Hastivarman of Vengî, Ugrasêna of Palakka, Kubêra of Dêvarâshtra, Dhanamjaya of Kusthalapura, and others.


In Hindu mythology, Kubera is the god of riches and wealth, and it is believed that if one worships the Kubera kolam as ordained in the scriptures, he/she will be rewarded with wealth and prosperity.

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