A recent quantitative analysis published in the Academy of Management Learning and Education Journal on the importance, scientific validity, and practical usefulness of all theories in the field found Luthans’ Organizational Behavior Modification Theory among the eight highest rated (along with those by Kurt Lewin, David McClelland, J. Richard Hackman, Edwin A. Locke, John B. Miner, Victor Vroom, and Bernard Bass).
Kurt Lewin founded the National Training Laboratories, known as NTL, an American non-profit behavioral psychology center, in 1947.
Kurt Vonnegut | Kurt Weill | Kurt Russell | Kurt Masur | Kurt Angle | Kurt Koffka | Kurt Gödel | Kurt Elling | Kurt Schwitters | Kurt Rosenwinkel | Kurt Hahn | Kurt Wallander | Kurt Tucholsky | Kurt Sanderling | Kurt Kren | Kurt Busiek | Kurt Lewin | Kurt Jooss | Kurt Andersen | Kurt Warner | Kurt Squire | Kurt Schmoke | Kurt Gerstein | Kurt Busch | Kurt Browning | Kurt Wiese | Kurt Waldheim | Kurt Vile | Kurt Thomas | Kurt St. Thomas |
The qualitative analysis of the client’s verbal responses can be conducted with the evaluation scheme by Lester Luborsky, Kurt Lewin or David McClelland.
People-environment studies, originating from environmental psychology (Lewin, Barker, Brunswik), have always tried to close the “mind gaps” between natural sciences, engineering, arts, and social sciences by an epistemological approach that encompasses denotations (objects and techniques) as well as connotations (subjective social, cultural meanings).
It was pioneered in the mid-1940s by Moreno's protege Kurt Lewin and his colleagues as a method of learning about human behavior in what became The National Training Laboratories (now NTL Institute of Behavioral Science) that was created by the Office of Naval Research and the National Education Association in Bethel, Maine, in 1947.
Haslam is a recipient of the European Association of Social Psychology's Kurt Lewin medal and a Fellow of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research working on its Social Interaction, Identity and Well-Being program.