In early 2011, Kairos hosted its third annual global summit at the United Nations, New York Stock Exchange, and Rockefeller Estate, and showcased 50 of the most innovative ventures launched by the Society’s fellows that year.
Kykuit |
The exhibit was closed on October 16, 1955, after attracting almost a quarter of million visitors in two seasons, approximately three times as many visitors as the two previous MoMA House and Garden exhibits (a 1949 house by architect Marcel Breuer that exists today at Kykuit, the Rockefeller family estate in Pocantico Hills, NY, and a 1950 house by architect Gregory Ain), demolished after the exhibition.
The church was built by John D. Rockefeller, Jr. in 1921, as part of his plans to develop the town of Pocantico Hills, which was below his estate Kykuit.