
2 unusual facts about Kyrie

Liver: A Fictional Organ with a Surface Anatomy of Four Lobes

The story is also presented in smaller sections; Introitus, Kyrie, Sequentia, offertorium, Sanctus, Benedictus, Agnus Dei and Communio.

Missa Gaia/Earth Mass

The mass includes the usual text, such as the Kyrie and the Agnus Dei, and also other text, hymns, and instrumental pieces.

Bertram Luard-Selby

At the Three Choirs Festival of 1877, Luard-Selby's Kyrie Eleison was premiered at a concert together with two other novelties, Sullivan's In Memoriam and Brahms's German Requiem.

Gnome King Kyrië

One day, Gnome King Kyrië was shot by a hunter in the heathlands of Riethoven.

Messe des pêcheurs de Villerville

In 1907 Heugel & Cie published a version of the mass, removing Messager's sections, and incorporating a new Kyrie by Fauré; this version appeared under the title Messe basse.

Pange Lingua Gloriosi Corporis Mysterium

Building on Josquin's treatment of the hymn's third line in the Kyrie of the Missa Pange Lingua, the "Do-Re-Fa-Mi-Re-Do"-theme became one of the most famous in music history, used to this day in even non-religious works such as Wii Sports Resort.

see also