
2 unusual facts about László Lovász

László Lovász

The former and current scientists of the department include György Elekes, András Frank, József Beck, Éva Tardos, András Hajnal, Lajos Pósa, Miklós Simonovits, Tamás Szőnyi.

Lovász, M.D. Plummer: Matching Theory, Akadémiai Kiadó - North Holland, Budapest, 1986


Around 1980, Korte and Lovász introduced the greedoid to further generalize this characterization of greedy algorithms; hence the name greedoid.

Václav Chvátal

he studied a weighted version of the set cover problem, and proved that a greedy algorithm provides good approximations to the optimal solution, generalizing previous unweighted results by David S. Johnson (J. Comp. Sys. Sci. 1974) and László Lovász (Discrete Math. 1975).

Zsolt Baranyai

He graduated from the Fazekas Highschool where he was a classmate of László Lovász, Miklós Laczkovich, and Lajos Pósa.

see also