
2 unusual facts about Léonie Duquet

Léonie Duquet

This was shortly after Astiz had led a police action at the Holy Cross Church in Buenos Aires against the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, where he had arranged the arrest of Azucena Villaflor and two other of the 13 founders of the group, together with a total of ten associates.

She was believed killed by the military regime of Argentine President Jorge Rafael Videla during the Dirty War.

Jorge Eduardo Acosta

He has been accused in particular of having ordered the murders of the French nuns Léonie Duquet and Alice Domon, and of the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo Azucena Villaflor, Esther Ballestrino and María Ponce, as well as of the death of the Swedish-Argentine teenager Dagmar Hagelin.

see also