According to the document, the magistrates denied Waldgrave Friedrich of Kyrburg any rights to the villages of Schweinschied, Kappeln, Löllbach, Langweiler, Käsweiler (vanished before 1500), Sulzbach, Homberg, Kirrweiler, Oberjeckenbach (cleared out in 1933 by the Nazis to make way for the Baumholder troop drilling ground) and Unterjeckenbach.
Kappeln borders in the north on the municipality of Löllbach, in the east on the municipality of Medard, in the southeast on an exclave belonging to the municipality of Grumbach and the town of Lauterecken, in the south on the municipality of Grumbach, in the southwest on the municipality of Merzweiler, in the west on the municipality of Hoppstädten and in the northwest on the municipality of Schweinschied.
Roughly 500 m downstream from the village’s lower end and at the side of the road leading to Löllbach stands the Kappelermühle (mill).
Löllbach |