After the sack of Rome, he went to Venice where he wrote his novel Portrait of Lozana: The Lusty Andalusian Woman (El retrato de la Loçana Andaluza, 1528), that continues on the lines of the novel in dialogue exemplified by Celestina.
Khaled Habib’s artistic field extends into the domains of performing and directing his shows, as well as composing music for films and theatre plays, such as La Celestina set up at the Swedish Royal Dramatic Theater (Dramaten) under the direction of Robert Lepage (1998), and the film Nattbok by Carl Henrik Svenstedt, “Vingar av glas” and “Cappricciosa” directed by Reza Bagher,”Huvudrollen” by Leyla Assaf-Tangroth.
Although most scholars admit that an earlier version by an unknown author already existed, the first known edition is credited to be the Comedy published in Burgos by printer Fadrique Aleman in 1499 with the title Comedia de Calisto y Melibea (Comedy of Calisto and Melibea).
One of her last works published before she died was an essay: Two Spanish Masterpieces, 'The Book of Good Love' and 'The Celestina'.
Celestina | La Celestina | Celestina Dias | Celestina Aladekoba |
Jacques de Lavardin, was a lord in Plessis-Bourrot, squire and noble of the king of France, known for the translation of two works in French: the Celestine from Fernando de Rojas and of the Historia de vita et rebus gestis Scanderbegi, a chronic of the Kingdom of Gjergj Kastriot Skanderbeg from Marin Barleti.