This Vino de Pago is located in the municipality of La Guardia, in the province of Toledo (Castile-La Mancha, Spain) and acquired its status on 20 August 2009.
Maribel Guardia | Fiorello H. La Guardia | Guardia di Finanza | La Guardia | Shrine of Nostra Signora della Guardia | Ponç de la Guàrdia | Newman & Guardia | La Guardia Committee | Jaime Guardia | Guardia di Finanza (Italian Customs Officers) |
Among other major works include Il torturato dall' inquisizione, exhibited at Paris; Clemente VII che nasconde le gioie del Vaticano, exhibited at the Promotrice of Naples; La guardia alla rota dei trovatelli, bought by the Ministry of Public Education; Le orfane, awarded in Naples; La messa in casa, acquired by the City of Naples; l'onomastico della maestra, donated to the Academy of Naples; and the Luisa Sanfelice in carcere, reproduced in the Illustrazione Italiana.
After long negotiations with the City of New York, a 50-year lease, commencing on May 31, 1947, went to the Port Authority of New York to rehabilitate, develop, and operate La Guardia Airport (La Guardia Field), John F. Kennedy International Airport (Idlewild Airport), and Floyd Bennett Field.
At age 15, he studied in Lima, Peru, at the Military School of Leoncio Prado, while also attending classes at the Escuela de Oficiales de la Guardia Civil (Official School of the Civil Guard).