Bronze medallist over 3000m at the 1989 European Athletics Indoor Championships in La Haye, behind German Dieter Baumann and Spaniard Abel Antón, he got his second podium the following year, in 1990 in Glasgow, beaten in the final by his compatriot Eric Dubus.
Franz Melchers (Münster 1868 - Antwerp 1944), painter of German origin, he studied arts in Brussels and La Haye.
Bacherer was immediately promoted to command the Division and enjoyed some early successes, capturing 250 American prisoners on 17 June and the following day broke through US lines to link up with the remnants of the LXXXIV Corps near La Haye-du-Puits.
David Haye | La Haye | Viéville-en-Haye | Velaine-en-Haye | Nicola de la Haye | La Haye-du-Puits | Chateau de la Haye d'Esquermes |
Lippershey's application for a patent was mentioned at the end of a diplomatic report on an embassy to Holland from the Kingdom of Siam sent by the Siamese king Ekathotsarot: Ambassades du Roy de Siam envoyé à l'Excellence du Prince Maurice, arrivé à La Haye le 10 Septemb. 1608 (Embassy of the King of Siam sent to his Excellency Prince Maurice, arrived at The Hague on September 10, 1608).
Nicholaa de la Haye (between 1150 and 1156 to 1230) was the eldest daughter and co-heiress of Richard de la Haye (died 1169), a Lincolnshire lord, and a descendant of the pre-Conquest Lord Colswain of Lincolnshire.
André Souris, Paul Nougé et ses complices in "Entretiens sur le surréalisme", under the direction of Ferdinand Alquié, Mouton, Paris-La Haye, 1968.