
4 unusual facts about La Jornada

Antonio Helguera

He continued this work at La Jornada (where his cartoons still appear regularly) and Siempre!, in addition to El Chahuistle and El Chamuco, magazines of which he was also the coeditor.

Claudio Lomnitz

Lomnitz is currently a regular collaborator at La Jornada a daily newspaper published in Mexico City; he also wrote a weekly column in Excélsior, a daily newspaper published in Mexico City for some years.

El Mutún

An editorial in La Jornada alleged that contrary to contract terms, Jindal was mostly interested in extracting iron ore concentrates and exporting the raw material for further processing at its plants in India.

Imanol Ordorika Sacristán

Imanol Ordorika is also involved in the Mexican contemporary political debate as a public speaker, an editorial writer at La Jornada and a media commentator.

John M. Ackerman

He has contributed to international newspapers such as Proceso, La Jornada, El Universal, Reforma of Mexico, The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, San Francisco Chronicle, Houston Chronicle, San Diego Union-Tribune in the United States and The Guardian in the United Kingdom on the topics of corruption control, elections, transparency, accountability, autonomous institutions and citizen participation.

Murder of José Luis Cerda Meléndez and Luis Emanuel Ruiz Carrillo

There were news organizations that did not sign the agreement, such as Reforma and La Jornada, Proceso magazine and MVS (TV network), and Reporters Without Borders also refused to sign as it said the agreement went against its standards of press freedom.

see also