
3 unusual facts about La Madeleine

La Madeleine, Paris

Its fifty-two Corinthian columns, each 20 metres high, are carried around the entire building.

The July Monarchy rededicated the monument of repentance for Revolution as a monument of national reconciliation, and the nave was vaulted in 1831.

Pierre Droulers

Pierre Droulers (born 5 July 1951 in La Madeleine, France) is a French and Belgian choreographer and dancer.


It is named after the type site of La Madeleine, a rock shelter located in the Vézère valley, commune of Tursac, in the Dordogne department of France.

Somerset County Youth Orchestra

It has given concerts in prestigious locations, among them Old Town Square in Prague, La Madeleine in Paris, and the Leonardo museum in Vinci.

see also

Abri de la Madeleine

The Abri de la Madeleine (The Magdalene shelter) is a prehistoric shelter under an overhanging cliff situated near Tursac, in the Dordogne département and the Aquitaine Région of South-Western France.

Château de Vitré

Paradoxically, he destroyed the collégiale de la Madeleine (collegiate church of the Madeleine) in the castle courtyard while he was in charge of conservation for the town.

Grosse Ile

Grosse-Île, Quebec, one of two municipalities forming the urban agglomeration of Îles-de-la-Madeleine in Quebec, Canada

Hypolite Dupuis

He was born in LaPrairie de la Madeleine, near present-day Montreal in lower Canada.


Laneuveville-devant-Nancy is a commune in the Meurthe-et-Moselle department in north-eastern France, which includes the former commune of La Madeleine, notable for manufacturing terra sigillata Ancient Roman pottery.

Les Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Quebec

The island was first known as Allright Island, then Alwright, and then Saunders, after sir Charles Saunders, a British admiral who accompanied General James Wolfe to Quebec City in 1759.

Liberty Tree

The last surviving liberty elm in France from c.1790 still stands in the parish of La Madeleine at Faycelles, in the Département de Lot.

Our Lady of the Cape

Deep Marian Devotion existed in Cap-de-la-Madeleine since 1694 with the institution of the Brotherhood of the Rosary under Father Paul Vachon.