
5 unusual facts about La Ribambelle

La Ribambelle

Based on a script by Marcel Denis, Loeckx, under the pen-name Joël, drew a four-page strip called Opération ciseaux (French for "Operation Scissors").

They hang out in a garage and wear leather jackets with pictures on the back of the animal they call themselves after.

La Ribambelle (French for "flock" or "throng") is a Belgian comics series about a gang of kids living in the same neighbourhood.

The thorns in their sides were the Caïmans, a trio of rough boys described as "more stupid than nasty".

Svetlana Sotiroff MacDonald

MacDonald was instrumental in the establishment of La Ribambelle French language day care, the development of École secondaire Gabriel-Dumont, the Centre Desloges and French language education in general in the London area.


La Ribambelle |

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