
3 unusual facts about La Serenissima

Guglielma Pallavicini

This marriage was especially important after the death of Cornaro, for it allowed her to remain in residence on Negroponte and to reconcile her claims to the castle of Larmena with La Serenissima's.

Kushiel's Dart

Later, a visitor from La Serenissima comes bearing Phèdre's sangoire cloak, which she had lost when Melisande sold her to the Skaldi.

La Serenissima

Taking its name from La Serenissima Repubblica di Venezia (Italian for The Most Serene Republic of Venice), the ensemble specializes in the music of Venetian Baroque composer Antonio Vivaldi (1678–1741) and his contemporaries.

Kushiel's Legacy

Raphael Murain nó Gentian is the adept who aided Phèdre nó Delaunay in understanding the meaning of her dreams, which understanding prompted Phèdre to seek Melisande Shahrizai in La Serenissima, in Kushiel's Chosen.

see also