These included the director of Crítica magazine Jorge Zalamea fleeing to Buenos Aires, Luis Vidales to Chile, Antonio Garcia to La Paz, and Gerardo Molina to Paris.
Although unproven, several priests were accused of openly encouraging murder of the political opposition during Mass, including the Santa Rosa de Osos Bishop Miguel Ángel Builes.
Since the 1950s, however, the Colombian Amazon and its indigenous peoples have suffered from waves of colonistion and exploitation: peasant refugees during the time of 'La Violencia'; colonists following in the wake of petroleum exploration; economic booms for rubber extraction, gold mining and the illicit processing of coca; government and aid-agency sponsored resettlement and development programs.
Santa Fe's president, Luis Robledo, had studied at Cambridge and believed that high quality football could put an end to the countries civil war known as La Violencia.
There is a clear parallel between this and the National Front regime of Colombia, which followed on from La Violencia and lasted from 1958 to 1974, in which the Liberal and Conservative parties governed jointly.
Marquetalia Republic, a term used to unofficially refer to one of the enclaves in rural Colombia which Communist peasant guerrillas held during the aftermath of "La Violencia"