
unusual facts about Laibach


Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, by historical German name

Alois von Gavasini

After the Piave, Archduke John retreated to Villach with his main body while sending Ignaz Gyulai to Laibach to sustain the defense of Croatia.

Anja Rupel

For a while, she performed with the internationally prominent industrial/techno group Laibach from Trbovlje, Slovenia.

Anton von Zach

Eugene directed Jacques MacDonald to capture Ljubljana (Laibach), which he did on 23 May after seizing a fort at Prawald on the 20th.

Augustin Hirschvogel

Hirschvogel left in 1536 for Laibach (the German name for Ljubljana in present-day Slovenia), returning to Nuremberg in 1543.

Battle of Raab

Feldmarschallleutnant Ignaz Gyulai with 14,880 men of the IX Armeekorps defended the Ljubljana (Laibach) area to the southeast of Villach.

Constantin von Wurzbach

Constantin Wurzbach Ritter von Tannenberg (born 11 April 1818 in Laibach; died 17 August 1893 in Berchtesgaden) was an Austrian biographer.

Daniel Landin

In 1987 he directed Laibachs Geburt Einer Nation ("Birth of a Nation"), filmed on various locations in Slovenia and in a "Third Reich"-style, a typical pop video but with an exaggeration of certain Riefenstahl-like elements.

Franz Xaver von Wulfen

Following his graduation, he became a school instructor (chiefly of mathematics and physics) in Vienna, Graz, Neusohl, Gorz, Laibach (Ljubljana), and from 1764 Klagenfurt.

Hans Kempin

On 1 December 1943, he was promoted to SS- Obersturmbannführer (Lieutenant Colonel) and two months later received command of the Waffen-SS Unterführerschule located in Laibach (Ljubljana).


LAIBACHKUNSTDERFUGE (always written as a whole word but sometimes dividing it with colors as LAI-BACH-KUNST-DER-FUGE) is a concept album by NSK industrial group Laibach.

Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen

The title hints at an autobiographical aspect of the work; as a young, newly qualified conductor (and budding composer), Mahler was himself at this time in a stage somewhere between 'apprentice' and recognized 'master' and had been moving from town to town (Bad Hall, Laibach, Olmütz, Vienna, Kassel).

Maximilian Karl Lamoral O'Donnell

Maximilian was also honoured with orders of chivalry by several European monarchs, and made a Freeman of the cities of Vienna, Prague, Pest, Laibach (Ljubljana), and others.

Philipp Nicodemus Frischlin

In 1582 his unguarded language and reckless life made it necessary that he should leave Tübingen, and he accepted a mastership at Laibach in Carniola (nowadays Ljubljana in Slovenia), which he held for about two years.

Prince Heinrich XV of Reuss-Plauen

During the withdrawal from Italy that month, Reuss led a division in the left wing under Archduke Charles, retreating to Ljubljana (Laibach).

Southern Italy autonomist movements

The king, who had no intention of respecting the constitution, went to Laibach to confer with the sovereigns of the Holy Alliance assembled there, leaving his son as regent.

Urbana Gerila

Urbana Gerila various lineups included Uroš Đurić, later painter and occasional actor, Slobodan "Loka" Nešović, later founder of Automatik Records company, Branislav "Kebra" Babić, later frontman of Obojeni Program, Nenad "Kele" Krasavac, later the founding member of Disciplina Kičme, and Dragoslav "Draža" Radojković, later member of Laibach and Kazimirov Kazneni Korpus.

Yegor Tolstoy

Tolstoy was aide-de-camp to general Alexander von Neidgart, and was stationed in Laibach (Ljubljana) during the Congress, where he was appointed head of the Russian headquarters of the detachment against Piedmont.

see also