Lajos Kossuth | Lajos Portisch | Batthyány | Lajos Pósa | Lajos Kassák | Lajos Pósa (mathematician) | Lajos Koltai | Lajos Bokros | Mihály Lajos Jeney | Lajos Tihanyi | Lajos Tichy | Lajos Somodi, Sr. | Lajos Somodi, Jr. | Lajos Mocsai | Lajos Kiss | Lajos Gulácsy | Lajos Egri | Lajos Czinege | Batthyány tér |
The group depicted the members of the first Hungarian parliamentary government: Lajos Kossuth (in the middle), Pál Eszterházy, Gábor Klauzál, József Eötvös, István Széchenyi, Prime Minister Lajos Batthyány, Bertalan Szemere, Ferenc Deák and Lázár Mészáros.