In 1889 he founded, together with Lajos Pósa, the first Hungarian literary magazine for young people, Az Én Újságom ("My Magazine").
While living in Szeged, Dankó composed music for over 400 poems, including the work of Lajos Pósa.
Lajos Kossuth | Lajos Portisch | Lajos Pósa | Lajos Kassák | Lajos Pósa (mathematician) | Lajos Koltai | Lajos Bokros | Mihály Lajos Jeney | Lajos Tihanyi | Lajos Tichy | Lajos Somodi, Sr. | Lajos Somodi, Jr. | Lajos Mocsai | Lajos Kiss | Lajos Gulácsy | Lajos Egri | Lajos Czinege |
The former and current scientists of the department include György Elekes, András Frank, József Beck, Éva Tardos, András Hajnal, Lajos Pósa, Miklós Simonovits, Tamás Szőnyi.
He graduated from the Fazekas Highschool where he was a classmate of László Lovász, Miklós Laczkovich, and Lajos Pósa.