
6 unusual facts about Lala Sukuna

Jione Atonio Rabici Doviverata

Dovi's eldest brother Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna was an elder statesman and held the paramount title of Tui Lau.

Joni Madraiwiwi I

Their eldest, Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna (1888-1958), played a pivotal role in the formation of modern Fiji, by forging the embryonic institutions for the modern nation.

They had 6 children: Ratu Sir Josefa Vanayaliyali Lalabalavu Sukuna, Adi Kacaraini Loaloakubou, Adi Kuini Vuikaba, Ratu Tiale Wimbeldon Vuiyasawa, Adi Salote Mokoiwaqa and Ratu Dr. Jione Atonio Rabici Doviverata.

Litiana Maopa

She married Ratu Joni Madraiwiwi I in November, 1886, with whom she had six children, including Adi Vuikaba, Ratu Tiale Vuiyasawa, Adi Salote Mokoiwaqa, Adi Kacaraini Loaloakubou and Ratu Sir Josefa Vanaaliali Lalabalavu Sukuna, one of Fiji's greatest statesmen of the 20th century, not to mention her youngest child - Dr Ratu Jione Atonio Rabici Doviverata, father of former Vice-President and Roko Tui Bau, Ratu Joni Madraiwiwi.

Meli Bogileka

Bogileka has also stirred controversy by criticizing the legacy of modern Fiji's first statesman, Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna, who is regarded as a national hero.


The Tongan-Fijian warlord Enele Ma'afu, who conquered much of eastern and northern Fiji in the mid-19th century, is buried in Tubou, as are Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna (1888–1958), Fiji's first modern statesman, and Mara himself.

see also