Lali Gonzalez as Liz, a young woman who accompanies Victor on his mission.
With a borrowed cell phone, which the contractor uses to keep track of his progress, Victor begins the journey accompanied by a hyperactive young woman named Liz (Lali Gonzalez).
The film, directed by Juan Carlos Maneglia and Tana Schémbori, won the Films in Progress award in the 2011 San Sebastián International Film Festival; it was also nominated in the Discovery category of 2012 Toronto International Film Festival.
González will play Irma in the movie Lectura según Justino, directed by Arnaldo André.
Felipe González | Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster | José González | Miguel Ángel González | Fernando González | Delia Gonzalez | Felipe Gonzalez | Emilio González Márquez | Elián González affair | Roque González de Santa Cruz | Miguel Ángel González (boxer) | Mark González | Jaslene Gonzalez | Alejandro González Iñárritu | Víctor González | Tony Gonzalez (baseball) | Tony Gonzalez | Sadrac González | Rigoberto González | Máximo González | Luis González Velázquez | Jorge Luis González | Gonzalez | Felix Gonzalez-Torres | Eiza González | Edith González | Br. Andrew Gonzalez Hall | Antonio González Velázquez | Alejandro González Velázquez | Tony González (baseball) |