
3 unusual facts about Lancet surveys of Iraq War casualties

Lancet surveys of Iraq War casualties

An article in Science magazine by John Bohannon describes some of the criticisms, as well as some responses from the Lancet report's lead author Gilbert Burnham.

Since interpreting the results of the study would be complicated by the inclusion of an outlier cluster in Fallujah, where heavy fighting caused far more casualties than elsewhere in Iraq, the study focused mainly on the results that excluded the Fallujah cluster.

A 2008 article in the National Journal revealed for the first time that the Lancet survey was funded in part by George Soros' Open Society Institute.

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Other academics, including John Lott, Richard Zerbe, and Edgar Browing, echoed those criticisms, and in addition challenged the Lancet surveys of Iraq War casualties to determine the number of Iraqi deaths.

see also