From 1997 to 2006, he was president of the association of church musicians in the Protestant Landeskirche Hanover.
Since its original beneficiary, the Bishopric of Jerusalem was maintained as a joint venture of the Anglican Church of England and the Evangelical Church in Prussia, a united Protestant Landeskirche of Lutheran and Reformed congregations, until 1886, the Jerusalem Lutheran congregation preserved a right to bury congregants there also after the Jerusalem Bishopric had become a solely Anglican diocese.
After World War II, Theophil Wurm, Landesbischof of Württemberg, invited representatives of the surviving German regional Protestant church bodies to Treysa (a part of today's Schwalmstadt) for August 31, 1945.
The 'Protestantenverein' was a society in Germany the general object of which was to promote the union (Verein) and progress of the various Protestant established Churches of the country in harmony with the advance of culture and on the basis of Christianity.