
4 unusual facts about Langmuir probe

Langmuir probe

A Langmuir probe is a device named after Nobel Prize winning physicist Irving Langmuir, used to determine the electron temperature, electron density, and electric potential of a plasma.

Note that (\sqrt{\pi}/2)\langle v\rangle = v p, wherev p is the most probable velocity for the Maxwellian distribution function, so that \alpha = v d/v p .

9,10 has shown that at the Maxwellian distribution function of the electrons in a reference system moving with the velocity v d across axis of the cylindrical probe set at plasma potential V = 0, the electron current on the probe can be written down in the form

allowing one to derive the electron energy \mathcal{E} p = kT (for Maxwellian distribution function only!) by a slop of the probe I-V characteristic in a semilogarithmic scale.

see also