There is a city named Lar, India in which most of the people have stated their tribe as Iraqi biradri.
The name Pahlavi was applied to a number of different dialects spoken in a rather vast area from Ctesiphon in modern-day Iraq to the southern coast of the Persian Gulf.
In 1633, he gave shelter to his brother-in-law Daud Khan, the Iranian governor (beglarbeg) of Ganja and Karabakh of Georgian extraction, who had fled Shah Safi’s crackdown on the family of his brother Imam-Quli Khan, the influential governor of Fars, Lar and Bahrain.
Lar Corbett | Lar Lubovitch | AiT/Planet Lar | Solomon Lar | Reg'lar Fellers | Ni Lar San | Lar, Iran | Lar, India | Lar Gand | Lar |
F'lar takes Lessa to Benden Weyr, where she impresses the Queen dragonet Ramoth and becomes the Weyrwoman, the new co-leader of the last active Weyr.
F'lar, wingleader at Benden Weyr and rider of the bronze dragon Mnementh, finds Lessa while Searching for candidates to Impress (bond with) a new queen dragon, as the current queen has a batch of eggs due to hatch very soon, including a crucial golden egg.
Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997): The LAR Grizzly Big-Boar is used as the tranqulizer guns.
His experience included painting the first edition dust jacket for Margaret Mitchell's Gone with the Wind and ghosting the newspaper strip Reg’lar Fellas for artist Gene Byrnes.
Kiazai clans in Iran include Lar Muhammad Hasni, Sistani Muhammad Hasni, Baloch Muhammad Hasni, Kurd Muhammad Hasni and Brahui Muhammad Hasni.
In Great Britain the Lar Lubovitch Dance Company was featured on television as part of an hour-long program produced by the BBC, in which the company performed Concerto Six Twenty-Two (1986) and North Star (1978).
On Friday 10 April 2009, Lar was honoured at Tallaght Stadium with a reception and he was presented with a Dublin Crystal memento of his time with the Club.
These agree with the treatise, De Praenominibus, of uncertain authorship (usually appended to Valerius Maximus), which, however, gives the unusual spelling Lar.
Leung has a Star Wars character named after him (Lar Le'ung, a Jedi Knight) in the 2009 Star Wars comic book series Star Wars: Invasion, written by Tom Taylor and illustrated by Colin Wilson.
LAR operates a total of five MD Helicopters MD Explorer 902 rescue helicopters
On May 3, each LAR battalion independently left the 1st Marine Division's assembly area in Al Diwaniyah and moved out to their individual staging areas.
The type locality is listed as "Hochtal von Lar (2180-2900 m Höhe), südwestlisch des Demavend-Gipfels im Elburs-Gebirge, nordöstlich von Tehran, Iran" High valley of the Lar (7,150–9,500 ft), southwest of Demavend Peak in the Elburz Mountains, northwest of Tehran, Iran.