The show featured interviews with local celebrities and politicians and nationally known personalities including Jean Shepard of A Christmas Story and Larry Linville who played Frank Burns on M*A*S*H.
Larry King Live | Larry King | Larry Niven | Larry Coryell | Larry Ellison | Larry Holmes | Larry the Cable Guy | Larry David | Larry McMurtry | Larry Flynt | Larry Bird | The People vs. Larry Flynt | Larry Page | Larry Norman | Larry Constantine | Larry Hryb | Larry Elmore | Larry Sparks | Larry Sabato | Larry Hibbitt | Larry Hama | Larry Goldings | Larry Fedora | Larry Doby | Larry Csonka | Larry Campbell | Larry Adler | Larry Walker | Larry Sultan | Larry Smith |
Notable alumni include Tom Hanks (1977-79 as an intern and core company member, and later winner of the Cleveland Critics' circle for best actor in Festival's production of The Two Gentlemen of Verona), Donald Moffat, Larry Linville, Cloris Leachman, Piper Laurie, Obie Cytron, Jean Stapleton, Hal Holbrook and Olympia Dukakis.