
5 unusual facts about Larry Sabato

Randy Weber

Based upon Weber's vote total in 2012, Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball named Weber one of their "Underachievers" because he received only 53.5% of the vote in his Congressional district while Mitt Romney received 59.3%.

Sabato's Crystal Ball

A publication of the University of Virginia Center for Politics, the Crystal Ball was founded by political analyst Larry Sabato, the Robert Kent Gooch Professor of Politics at the University of Virginia.

United States House of Representatives elections in Indiana, 2006

Also in August 2006, Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball, a Web site run by the University of Virginia Center for Politics, added the race to their "Ferocious Forty" list of the 40 most competitive House races in the nation.

Virginia's 2nd congressional district election, 2006

Similarly, Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball, in late June, rated the race as leaning Republican, and as one of the top thirty most competitive House races in the nation.

Wasilla Bible Church

“When a presidential candidate surprises the country with a relatively unknown choice, then all hell breaks loose,” Larry Sabato said.

see also

The Crystal Ball

Sabato's Crystal Ball, a political newsletter and website founded by Larry Sabato