
3 unusual facts about Laudianism


Laudianism was an early seventeenth-century reform movement within the Church of England, promulgated by Archbishop William Laud and his supporters.

The 1633 edition of the standard Latin-English Dictionary, dedicated to William Laud, contained for the first time the word Praedestinatiani, who were defined as "a kind of heretic that held fatal predestination of every particular matter person or action, and that all things come to passe, and fell out necessarily; especially touching the salvation and damnation of particular men".

Promulgated by Archbishop William Laud and his supporters, Laudianism sought to establish as mainstream doctrines that were similar to the teachings of the Dutch theologian Jakob Harmenszoon, known by his Latinized name Jacobus Arminius, and English proto-Arminians such as Lancelot Andrewes.


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