
8 unusual facts about Launggyet

Military history of Burma

The coast was divided between at least two power centers at Launggyet in the north and Sandoway (Thandwe) in the south.

Min Bin

Toungoo forces reached environs of Launggyet, the former capital not far from Mrauk-U, on 24 January 1547 (2nd waxing of Tabodwe 908 ME).

Min Saw Mon

In 1373/74 (735 ME), the Launggyet court had to ask for a nominee from Ava, which sent Saw Mon II.

Saw Omma of Pinya

The princess spent much of her childhood years in Launggyet, the capital of Arakan (present-day Rakhine State), the kingdom west of Thayet.

Shwe Nawrahta

In November 1407, Razadarit's Hanthawaddy troops captured Launggyet (Arakan's then capital), and took Anawrahta and Saw Pye Chantha prisoner to Pathein.


Swasawke nominated his uncle, Saw Mon II as king, charging him to cherish the people and rule justly.

The Arakanese court at Launggyet asked Swasawke, who grew up in Arakan during his youth, to anoint one of his relations as king of Arakan.

He spent his formative years in Launggyet, the capital of Arakan, the kingdom to the west of Thayet, where his father was governor.


Launggyet |

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