
5 unusual facts about Laurent Thévenot

Laurent Thévenot

1989 (with Luc Boltanski) (eds.), Justesse et justice dans le travail, Paris, CEE - PUF.

He co-authored, with Luc Boltanski, of "On Justification. The Economies of Worth" (2006, Princeton University Press) which analyzes the most legitimate repertoires of evaluation governing political, economic and social relationships.

Luc Boltanski

Boltanski, L., Thévenot, L. 1983, Finding One's Way in Social Space : A Study based on Games, Social Science Information, 22 (4-5), 1983, p.

Boltanski, L., Thévenot, L. 2000, The reality of moral expectations: a sociology of situated judgment, Philosophical Explorations, vol.

A book co-authored with Laurent Thévenot, On Justification: The Economies of Worth, 2006 (French original: 1991), argues that modern societies are not a single social order but an interweaving of multiple orders.

see also