Warlock Moon is a 1973 horror-thriller feature film starring Laurie Walters, Joe Spano and Edna MacAfee which loosely follows the story of the classic Brothers Grimm fairytale Hansel and Gretel.
Laurie Anderson | Hugh Laurie | Julie Walters | Barbara Walters | Piper Laurie | Walters Art Museum | Laurie Records | Laurie Foell | Laurie Daley | Ashley Walters | Laurie Patton | Laurie Beechman | Laurie Walters | Laurie Metcalf | Laurie Lee | Laurie Cumming | Guy Walters | David Walters | Annie Laurie | Toddy Walters | Stan Walters | Laurie R. King | Laurie Perry Cookingham | Laurie Mylroie | Laurie Morgan | Laurie Mayne | Laurie Fishlock | Laurie Berkner | Laurie Anderson (performance artist) | Charles Walters |