
4 unusual facts about Lavie Tidhar

Digesting Duck

The Duck is featured in Lavie Tidhar's The Bookman, in the Egyptian Hall, alongside the Turk.

Ram Moav

He has been cited as an early childhood read and influence by author Lavie Tidhar, amongst others.

Redstone Science Fiction

Redstone Science Fiction (often called Redstone SF) has published fiction by Cory Doctorow, Mary Robinette Kowal, Ken MacLeod, Cat Rambo, Hannu Rajaniemi, Vylar Kaftan, Lavie Tidhar, and others.

The Year's Best Science Fiction: Twenty-Eighth Annual Collection

Lavie Tidhar: "The Spontaneous Knotting of an Agitated String"

Murky Depths

Authors published by Murky Depths have included Robert Rankin, Jon Courtenay Grimwood, Stan Nicholls, Sam Stone, Eugie Foster, Richard Calder, Edward Morris, Edward M. Erdelac, Chris Huff, Matt Wallace, R. D. Hall, Mike Carey, Juliet E. McKenna, C. J. Carter-Stephenson and Lavie Tidhar.

see also

Redstone Science Fiction

The magazine has conducted interviews with many editors and authors in the science fiction field, including Lou Anders, John Joseph Adams, Mary Robinette Kowal, Vylar Kaftan, Cat Rambo, Lavie Tidhar, and others.