In December 2008 it was reported that the investment bank Lazard was offering Château Latour for sale, and Magrez was suggested as the likely buyer.
Runde serves on this council with General David Petraeus, Former Clinton Advisor and Senior Managing Director of Lazard Frères Vernon Jordan Jr.
In the mid-1950s, Mediobanca entered into agreements with important foreign partners (Lazard Group, Berliner Händel-Gesellschaft, Lehman Brothers, Sofina) that enabled the bank to play a role on the international market and obtained a Stock Exchange listing in 1956.
However, Lazard (1999) and Hill (2012) question the validity of this category, Lazard finding that the category cannot be distinguished from a mediative, and Hill finding the evidence given by DeLancey and by Aikhenvald (2004) either incorrect or insufficient.
The resultant of two polynomials is frequently computed in the Lazard–Rioboo–Trager method of finding the integral of a ratio of polynomials.
In 1868 the City Council relinquished its rights to the water in the Los Angeles River in favor of businessmen Lazard, John S. Griffen and Prudent Beaudry, and the three created the Los Angeles City Water Company.
The second is to describe explicitly all the points of in the so-called sense of in Lazard and Wen-Tsun Wu.