The Battle of Le Cateau was fought on 26 August 1914, after the British and French retreated from the Battle of Mons and had set up defensive positions in a fighting withdrawal against the German advance at Le Cateau-Cambrésis.
Farrar was killed on the Western Front at the Battle of Epehy Ronssoy, near Le Cateau in the Somme Valley south, west of Cambrai, in 1918.
The next day, while traveling to Le Cateau-Cambrésis, the bishop informed his companions that he was not feeling well.
They were transferred to Grandlieu, near Quaregnon, about the end of the tenth century or the beginning of the eleventh, and in 1025 Gerard of Florennes, Bishop of Cambrai, removed them to Le Cateau-Cambrésis.
Fighting was particularly fierce along the line of the Le Cateau – Wassigny railway.