
unusual facts about Le Chatelier's principle

Calcium chloride

By Le Chatelier's principle and the common ion effect, increasing the concentration of calcium in the water will reduce the dissolution of calcium compounds essential to the structure of concrete.

Fermat's principle

Ibn al-Haytham (Alhacen), in his Book of Optics (1021), expanded the principle to both reflection and refraction, and expressed an early version of the principle of least time.

Hamilton's principle

Richard Feynman's path integral formulation of quantum mechanics is based on a stationary-action principle, using path integrals.


Various efforts by notable physicists such as Ernst Mach (see Mach's principle), Albert Einstein, Dennis William Sciama, and Bernard Haisch have been put towards the study and theorizing of Inertia.

Krogh's principle

Another marine mollusc, the opisthobranch Aplysia possesses relatively small number of large nerve cells that are easily identified and mapped from individual to individual.

Polistes fuscatus

According to Fisher’s theory of sex ratio selection, when competition for mates is population wide, parents will evolve to invest equally in both sexes.

Position error

In consequence of Bernoulli's principle, the different speeds of the air result in different pressures at different positions on the aircraft's surface.

Principle of least action

The speculative fiction writer, Ted Chiang, has a story, Story of Your Life, that contains visual depictions of Fermat's Principle along with a discussion of its teleological dimension.

S-1 Gard

Because of Bernoulli's principle, a decrease in air pressure between a larger object (such as a transit bus or large truck) and a smaller object (such as a pedestrian or cyclist) is created when passing in close proximity, resulting in a force that pulls the smaller object towards the larger object.


The air flow across the vertical shaft opening creates a lower pressure (see Bernoulli effect) and pulls cool air up from the qanat tunnel below the house.

Shape dynamics

Barbour and Bertotti conjectured that Jacobi's principle and a mechanism they called best matching were construction principles for a fully Machian theory.

Story of Your Life

The phenomenon of Heptapod B is explained by the alien's understanding of mathematics and Fermat's principle of least time.

see also