
unusual facts about Le Tellier

Michelangelo Tamburini

This was seen at his death, 1715, when the regent banished the once influential father confessor Le Tellier, while the gallicanizing archbishop of Paris, Cardinal de Noailles, laid them under an interdict (1716–1729).

Minuscule 11

It was in private hands, and belonged to the Archbishop of Reims Le Tellier (1671–1710), like codices 10, 13.

Minuscule 13

It was in private hands, and belonged to Archbishop of Reims Le Tellier (1671–1710) (along with codices 10, 11).

see also

Anne-Robert-Jacques Turgot, Baron de Laune

Tellier, Luc-Normand, Face aux Colbert : les Le Tellier, Vauban, Turgot ... et l'avènement du libéralisme, Presses de l'Université du Québec, 1987, 816 pages.

Camille le Tellier de Louvois

Luc-Normand Tellier, Face aux Colbert : les Le Tellier, Vauban, Turgot ... et l'avènement du libéralisme, Presses de l'Université du Québec, 1987, 816 pages.