
4 unusual facts about Leader of the House of Commons

11th Parliament of Great Britain

In the cabinet, the Secretary of the South served as the leader of Commons.

Henry Pelham

For the first year of Pelham's premiership, real power was held by the Secretary of State for the Northern Department, Lord Carteret, who headed the Carteret Ministry (Pelham was First Lord of the Treasury, Chancellor of the Exchequer and Leader of the House of Commons).

Leader of the House

Minister and Leader of the House of Commons, former post in the Parliament of Northern Ireland

Marquess of Ripon

Thomas Robinson was a prominent diplomat and politician and served as Ambassador to the Austrian Empire, as Secretary of State for the Southern Department and as Leader of the House of Commons.

First Newcastle Ministry

One of the most influential members of the Ministry was Henry Fox, who served as Leader of the House of Commons.


While Temple quit the government in protest, his younger brother, George Grenville, remained in the government, now dominated by King George III's favorite, Lord Bute, and served as Leader of the House of Commons.

Imperial War Cabinet

Other eminent imperial statesmen in the Imperial War Cabinet were Lord Curzon, the Leader of the House of Lords and a former Viceroy of India, and Andrew Bonar Law, the Chancellor of the Exchequer and Leader of the House of Commons (and future British Prime Minister).

see also