Centaurea | oak leaf cluster | Oak Leaf Cluster | Maple Leaf Gardens | Tea Leaf Green | leaf | The Album Leaf | Leaf | Centaurea nigra | Leaf beetle | I'm Looking Over a Four Leaf Clover | Scabiosa | leaf beetle | Carbon Leaf | The Maple Leaf Forever | Maple Leaf Cricket Club | A New Leaf | Nissan Leaf | Maple Leaf Rag | maple leaf | Centaurea scabiosa | Centaurea jacea | the Album Leaf | Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment | Leaf Mountain Township | Golden LEAF Foundation | Commerson's leaf-nosed bat | Centaurea maculosa | Bay leaf | Wheat leaf rust |
The plant is sometimes confused with Devils-bit Scabious, however the leaves on this plant are arranged alternately, whereas in Devils-bit they are opposite.
The larvae feed on the flower buds and developing florets of Centaurea scabiosa.
In captivity the larvae have been recorded feeding on Achillea millerfolium, Galatella linosyris, Centaurea scabiosa, Salvia pratensis, Plantago and Inula species.